Thursday, February 20, 2014

February Update: Guest Blogger

 Jambo! It has been a busy time at Walk In Love recently and we have much to update you on.

I should probably start my introducing myself- My name is Lucy and I am the newest volunteer at Walk In Love. I am a student from England and two weeks ago began a three-month internship with this amazing charity. 

Me with little Ima

So, whilst there is plenty to fill you in on from the past few months, let’s start off with the here and now…February!

Last week, we welcomed 2-year-old Mary to our day care. Mary’s mother lives in the village and washes clothes for a living. The volunteers here have already managed to provide her with some business! Mary is a lovely little girl and has settled in well. The other children have welcomed her; it was very sweet to see Bravon hold her hand yesterday and lead her to safety away from the boy’s football game! Since the last blog post we have also had two other new arrivals; Tamara and baby Charles. Tamara is a sweet and quiet little girl and Charles, a big and bouncy baby boy!

The Walk In Love team is also growing and I am very happy and honoured to be part of it. We have three other volunteers here currently; another Lucy, Dolly and Brianna. The job here is very varied but I think I can speak for all of us when I say that seeing the babies and children every day is the highlight!

Neema is another new addition to the team, and she began work this week as a social worker. Neema was thrown in the deep end with four home visits to struggling women on her first day. She has already proved to be a great addition to WIL and with her help the charity will continue to grow and prosper.

Meanwhile, it has been an exciting few weeks for the Joshuas and Bravon. They started at a brilliant local nursery and have taken to it very well. They even seem keen to do their homework! It is fantastic to see the boys have this start in life, thanks to the support of WIL and their sponsors.

The boys walking home from school in their smart uniform.

Doing their homework...

There are many exciting plans afoot, including the opening of a shop here at the WIL community centre. The shop will sell our beautiful handcrafted quilts, jewellery, bags, scarves, laptop cases….I could go on! In fact, word is spreading in Arusha and we have had groups of people popping in to buy and order products. I have my eye on a few things myself!

Thank you for your continued interest and support. Please do spread the work and feel free to get in touch on Facebook (search ‘A Better Chance – Walk In Love International).

More updates to come! 

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