Sunday, November 4, 2012

Christmas backpacks for 100 Tanzania children!

Hi everyone, 
As most of you know I have been working with some great volunteers from Golgothat Primary named Lucy and Cassie. We have decided to team up to make this Christmas a special one for the kids at Golgotha. We are not only trying to buy and fill 100 backpacks for the boys but if we receive enough donations we would also like to invite Santa Claus to pass them out and maybe even a host a Christmas dinner for the families. Below are the details about the Christmas Backpacks written by Lucy. Please r
ead about how you can give a child a backpack and supplies for Christmas. Thank you for your support!

That time of the year is just around the corner again… CHRISTMAS!! Here’s the question, what do you want for Christmas?!

Shoes? iPhone5? Skiing holiday? Camera? Clothes? Make up? Football season ticket?

But wait… out of all these presents, what do you actually need?

… Anything?

Do you know what the young boys of Golgotha Primary need?

A backpack.

100 boys receive an education at Golgotha Primary, fantastic. But here’s the thing, they have to provide their own school supplies. With their parents earning less than $1.50 a day, how are they expected to buy exercise books, pencils, erasers, rulers, pens? They can’t. It’s simple. How are they meant to practice their handwriting, learn how to read, draw pictures, participate in lessons? They can’t.

The average person in the Developed world spends around $700 on Christmas presents. Do you know how much it costs to provide a child at Golgotha with a stationary set and a backpack? $7. That’s it. $7 and you give this child a chance to learn; a chance to fulfil their educational potential. In the long term, you’re helping to give them a chance at life.

At Christmas, all of the Golgotha girls are receiving a hand-made dress from a women’s group in the UK. Lets give the boys something that they too can smile about on Christmas Day; something they can take pride in and call their own.

The challenge?
100 backpacks, filled and wrapped by 24th December.
Is it possible? YES! But only with your help!
You have until Monday 10th December to donate to this appeal.
Please, donate $7 today to help us reach this goal.

All donations are to be sent via paypa to Aubree, founder of Walk In Love Tanzania. Aubree will have just 2 weeks to buy the backpacks, all stationary, pack them up and be ready to hand them out to 100 boys on Christmas Eve! (Thank you and good luck, Aubree!)

You can also use the paypal button this blog to make your donations!!!

Thank you for your support!

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